Kenya: Jarod and Sarah Ring


Do you remember that part in Acts 8 when, after Stephen’s stoning at the hands of Saul, believers in the early church “were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria”?

It says the persecution was great; the believers had to spread.

In Matthew 28, Jesus had specifically told them to go, but they were fearfully huddling in Jerusalem. So God forced their hand through persecution and suffering.

This was always God’s plan.

As He was ascending to heaven, Jesus told his disciples “you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (1:8b).

This picture of God using terrible circumstances (human perspective) to accomplish His infinite, wonderful plan (eternal perspective) has always been encouraging to me. It clearly shows that our suffering is not in vain.

Fast forwarding 2,000 years, God is still making beautiful things grow in the darkest soil.

Here’s a snapshot of what Orphanos partners Jarod and Sarah Ring, and others who call Africa home, have been through in the last two years:

* Global pandemic
* Political instability
* Wars
* Protests
* Famines & droughts

When they landed in Kenya at the beginning of 2021, I can assure you they didn’t know these things awaited them. They knew it would be hard, but this is a different level.

Jarod and Sarah oversee Africa Leadership Development for Alongsiders, an organization that at its core understands the deepest need of any human being is the need to be loved. Alongsiders equip compassionate young Christians to walk alongside those who walk alone. They identify vulnerable and marginalized children and pair them up with someone older who can advocate and care for them.

This discipleship movement has been growing rapidly!

Two years ago, Alongsiders had been working in four countries with four leaders.

Today, through the pain and craziness of what I listed above, the movement has spread to 18 countries (soon to be 19) with more than 30 supporting leaders. Jarod estimates around 10,000 youth and children are currently impacted. Growth like that isn’t possible without a powerful God.

“This testimony speaks to the fact that when something is locally owned, relationally driven, and most importantly, rooted in Christ, there’s not much that can be done to stop it,” Jarod said. “So, as you can imagine, it’s been a very exciting, stretching, and busy time supporting this growth around Africa.”

The graphic above should help you process the expansion.

It’s exciting to watch God use ordinary people to accomplish His plan amidst life in a fallen world. I’m praying He raises up the next generation in Africa to proclaim His Kingdom!

Grace & Peace,

Wayne Sneed