Ecuador: Dan and Gina Weston

Quito, Ecuador

Do you remember how pivotal your younger years of life were? I sure do.

I learned so much about hard work, family, joy and so much more when I was in elementary school. Maybe you and I share that experience.

Of course, no two childhoods are the same. We’re all alive in specific places at specific times by a Father who loves us and knows what’s best for us.

I had these contemplative thoughts rummaging through my mind after reading Dan and Gina Weston’s latest update.

They operate Light in the Darkness, a foundation in Quito, Ecuador that serves children who are at risk of being trafficked. I really enjoyed seeing them and the ministry in person last August.

This story is about the 9-year-old girl pictured above.

She’s encountered plenty of hardship, including a rough home life that has been reported to the authorities.

All it took this day was one comment from another kid about her drawing that set her off. She had had enough, running and hiding as fast as she could.

Gina immediately sought to provide comfort, taking the young girl onto her lap and wrapping her with a hug. Gina was able to provide something that this girl may have never experienced:

“She cried for about 10 minutes as she hugged tighter and tighter. Eventually, she fell asleep in my arms. I could feel her pain being released from her body and I took it for her for just a few minutes. I cried over her as she slept. She had a safe place for a while.

A safe, loving place. That’s what Gina gave that day. That’s what every Orphanos partner provides to orphans and vulnerable children in some way everyday.

Grace & Peace,

Wayne Sneed