Broken to Beautiful: Janeth at 911 Life

Colombia, South America

One of my favorite truths in Scripture is how God takes broken people and the broken circumstances they encounter, and turns it for His glory. 

Quite possibly the greatest biblical example of this was Joseph, who declared to the brothers who sold him into slavery, “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good” (Gen. 50:20).

From Joseph’s story a millennia ago, to Janeth’s story being played out today, God is always working.

Janeth does have quite the story. I read about her in 911 Life’s newsletter, the ministry for which Tom, Jen and the entire Atwater family serve there in Colombia. I wanted to pass it along because I believe it’s a beautiful picture of what God is doing among the brokenness.

My name is Janeth and I want to share with you what God has done in my life. I had a hard past that involved a lot of abuse. As a result, when I got married, I was not a healthy wife or mother. I was wounded, very angry and bitter about my past and always irritated in my home. 

In 2019, someone invited me to visit 911 Life, and the moment I arrived I knew I’d found something truly amazing.

God has done a miracle in my life through my time here. I used to be so controlling, but now I’m more patient. I don’t yell and I’ve learned how to respect and give space to my family members. 

Jen’s teachings and Tom’s hugs are so impactful. In a world where people are always asking something of you, 911 Life is different. They ask for nothing and simply provide us with love. It’s so encouraging.

I love sharing the peace and tranquility I now have with other ladies in the neighborhood, speaking about what God is doing in me and how Jesus has changed my life. I invite all of my friends to come to 911 Life, and they all love it there. We’ve learned that even though the world can make us feel unacceptable and unattractive, once a person knows God they no longer need to feel this way. That is a marvelous thing! 

It’s amazing how I started at 911 Life with beauty classes, and now I’m helping to lead the women’s program. I LOVE IT!  At 911 Life I’ve learned a lot about spiritual healing, and now I’m one of the people who is leaving their past behind. All I have is today, not even the future is secure. I have left my past behind, and now I can share everything I’ve learned about God with others.

God can take what is broken and make it beautiful. That’s a message we can all meditate on as we strive to care and pray for orphans and vulnerable children.