Peru Home Loving the Least of These

Salaverry, Peru

As I read about the work our partner in Peru is doing, the Spirit led me to this verse:

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me'” (Matthew 25:40).

Jesus was saying that when we feed the hungry, care for the sick, welcome a stranger, clothe a naked person or visit the imprisoned, we’re acting in love that will be rewarded at the second coming. When we do these things for the least impressive person, we’re honoring Christ Himself.

The thing about loving the person who always needs you is that it’s really difficult. Can anyone else relate to that? Even still, Christ does not put a clause in this teaching.

When I think about children who need attention, my mind goes to Hogar de Esperanza. Pablo and Sarah Cenepo-Torres moved to the sandy dunes of northern Peru to oversee the home, which opened its doors in 2001.

The home currently cares for around 15 children, but four of them have special needs. This requires above-and-beyond care.

The outlook upon arrival for each boy was bleak. I & A had an alcoholic mother who never cared for them, E had an evident case of hydrocephalus and D had a moderate condition of pulmonary fibrosis that affected his entire physical development.

Under better circumstances, each child with special needs would end up in a children’s home with professionals specially trained to help their condition. The authorities knew each situation and sent them to Hogar de Esperanza anyways. There’s a reason for everything God does.

And so, the home’s staff worked with the boys on their motor skills and speech therapy. After a time, each received individual tasks that empowered them.

D, who wasn’t expected to live past his infant years, has even defied all odds. His remarkable progress includes learning to walk and understanding everything that’s said to him.

All children residing at the home belong to the state. Thus, the adoption process is a prerogative left in the hands of the state. If the children aren’t adopted by 18, Peruvian law states that the children can look after themselves.

Here’s the tough truth: three of the four boys have already turned 18 and the prospect of an in-state adoption is very slim. As they get older, their tendency to challenge authority grows. Since the state-run facilities for men in their condition are rare in the country and unavailable in their state, the boys will continue to reside at the home.

I ask that you pray for Pablo and Sarah, for the staff and for these four boys. Nothing is out of reach of the Lord, including the ability to locate a loving home for four boys in Peru who desperately need it.

In the meantime, Hogar de Esperanza keeps faithfully caring for the least of these because that’s what Christ commanded. May the Lord give us each strength and grace to do the same!

Grace & Peace,

Wayne Sneed