2022 Double December Letter from Wayne

Memphis, TN

Organizational anniversaries can be strange. They are happy affairs, in that we recognize we’ve been allowed to serve in this capacity for so long. We know God didn’t need us to accomplish all this. But He chose to use us. And so, we rejoice.

But, there is also nostalgic pain in that this is a reminder that some of us have been on this journey full of challenges for a long time. Anniversaries are a strange mixture of both feelings: joy and pain.

During the summer of 1997, when I had the blessing of writing the Charter and Bylaws of this new organization called Orphanos, I really had no idea what the Lord planned to do. I thought I did. But I was wrong.

Isn’t that just like Him?

If He shows us the entire road map of our individual lives, we probably would run away and not become all that He wants to make of us. That process is just too painful. So, He only shows us the end result (adopted, righteous, guilt free worshippers) and says, “Trust me for the daily decisions required to get you there.” What a wise God He is, to only show us a little at a time.

As I created those forming documents, my thoughts and ideas about what Orphanos would do were all over the board. I knew I wanted to honor the King through global missions. And I knew I wanted to serve orphans and vulnerable children. But I really had no idea the roads we would travel to get there.

I was hoping to positively impact a couple of hundred kids each year.  We’re now impacting more than 25,000 annually.

I was hoping to not go this road alone. Now we have a staff of six and 25+ partner ministries worldwide.

I was hoping to provide 1 million dollars to benefit these children. We’ve now gone beyond 40 million. And we’re still going.

What I thought Orphanos would look like, is not what we look like. It’s much more.

As with our personal journeys, along the way I’ve come very close to giving up, closing Orphanos doors, and going to work somewhere for a normal paycheck. I look back now and wonder how we got through it all. Even though I know it was the Lord, it’s good to occasionally pause and look back. The view is amazing.

What’s just as amazing is that this year the Lord has provided a generous donor who has committed to a match gift of up to $25,000. Now every Double December donation toward our overhead will be matched. $50 becomes $100. $500 becomes $1,000. $2,000 becomes $4,000. I am still blown away at this news. $25,000 to celebrate our 25 years. Now it’s truly a “Double Double December!”

So, please join us in giving this Double December. It’s not mandatory, but every gift amount is crucial. A successful Double December campaign allows us to continue to refrain from taking fees on the donations you make 12 months of the year.

I have a relationship with each of our partners and my front row seat to the work they’re doing around the globe is so special. I can confidently say that your support of them is yielding a beautiful return. May God be glorified by the sacrifices you make to come alongside these friends!

If you wish to give now, you can click here!

Grace & Peace,
