The L Family


Irecently received an email from a partner that recognized their first year of service in a third-world country. He was recapping what the last year had included by saying, “Since arriving we’ve been stolen from, exploited, taken advantage of, asked for bribes countless times, been sick more often than ever before in our life, witnessed horrible street violence, and the list goes on.”

Now to be fair, he mentioned many other great things the Lord had done. But that sentence really stuck with me and I began think – why do our partners give up everything and go serve the Lord by loving orphans and vulnerable children?

I think Paul’s opening words to the church at Colossae gave me an answer. After giving thanks to God for them, he says they have a “hope laid up in heaven” (1:5a).

Each of our partners, and every other believer following Jesus, has this hope. It is sure and steadfast, guarded by God’s power (1 Peter 1:3-5).

I see that hope when I think about the “L” family.

They’re coming up on 10 years of ministering to a Muslim community and the Lord has performed many great deeds among them.

The Christmas season was especially sweet to them. Their tradition of delivering presents and planting seeds to those who live in the slums continued.

The Christmas celebration continued in the children’s home they run, as the day was capped off with a birthday celebration for Jesus and lots of worship led by the children. I wish I could have been there for that!

And as they look to impact children, they know starting with the head of the house is vital. So they’re planting house churches and influencing their staff in order for the gospel to spread one life at a time.

I close with a prayer request taken directly from this partner in reference to lost souls. Would you pause now and join with me in prayer?

“Please pray with us as turning the knowledge of Christ into following Christ is very difficult here. Committing to following Christ means certain persecution, potential job loss, being kicked out of your family and community, and physical attacks. The cost is high but the reward is greater still.