Point Honduras

Honduras, Central America

Going through a crisis is never fun, but can often result in something better. That was the result this year when a ministry in Honduras went through a major crisis. Established in 2006, Point Honduras began as a way to address the suffering of children and families in Tegucigalpa. Through the support of one primary family in the USA, the ministry quickly grew into 4 slum areas and provided education, daily food, spiritual training, and medical care for 650 children and their families.

In 2018 the benefactors informed the ministry they would no longer be able to support financially as before. American friends of the ministry quickly jumped and contacted Orphanos for help. Since January of 2019 we have been providing organizational leadership consulting and donor support services. We are excited to say that what was originally understood to be a very disappointing end to an excellent ministry has resulted in actually strengthening the foundations of the work and expanding it to more people and children.