Isaac’s Home


At Orphanos we celebrate cultural differences. This includes differences in cuisine. Every culture has their favorite, and in Korea it’s Kimchi! This distinctly Korean dish that includes cabbages and radishes and other local vegetables is served almost every day.

Traditionally Koreans will make the dish in the early winter and bury in little clay pots in the ground to keep it cold. Nowadays that process does not work as well, so the children of Isaac Children’s Home in needed a large cold storage unit. At the same time they were praying for the Lord to provide this need, a concerned Christian in the United States was contacting Orphanos saying he felt the Lord burdening his heart to connect financially with an orphanage in Korea.

Of course, Orphanos was happy to connect the donor with the need and now the children have their own commercial cold storage unit FULL of Korean Kimchi! God’s provision in God’s perfect timing.One day in 2018 Jen was driving the streets of Medellin praying about the ministry God had given them.

Providentially, she took a wrong turn and went down a street where she was not familiar. Without warning, a homeless man flagged her down and told her, “That is the house you are looking for.” He pointed at a building and then walked off!