Romania: David and Felicia Lee


Visiting our global partners is one of my favorite things about the job.

Face-to-face conversation. Lots of laughs. Setting eyes on ministry locations. Blessing our partners however I can.

I just returned from a week-long stop in Romania and it was full of great memories. What I witnessed and heard about the work David and Felicia Lee are doing was amazing!

They’re the Directors of A New Beginning, a ministry in Romania offering long-term Christian counseling to children, parents and the whole family. In addition, they help prepare families prior to the adoption process.

A New Beginning helped place 66 former orphans into Romanian homes just last year! That’s an entire orphanage of kids who are no longer orphaned! Praise God!

Their presence in the lives of each kid pictured above, and their families, carries significant impact. Alexandra’s (purple sweatshirt) story is one example.

When this 11-year-old girl was adopted it meant leaving behind her older sisters in an orphanage. Her adoptive mother, a CEO for a large Eastern European company, cherished the initial homecoming and celebrated Alexandra’s presence.

It started well, but eventually the newness wore off.

The get-it-done mom found it hard to accept Alexandra’s pre-existing learning disabilities and health conditions.

Situations like this are commonplace for the staff at A New Beginning. They’re places that the Lees lean into instead of shying away from.

Over the past two years they’ve seen the adoptive mom grow both as a person and a mom. They’ve also seen progress in Alexandra’s development. There are more challenges to come for this new little family, but they are making progress toward healthy and harmonious living.

I’m grateful for how the Lees give aid to those who adopt in Romania. May the Lord bless their work and allow even more orphans find a home!